[Jimison | Pavel]


[pre-1990 | 1990 – 1999 | 2000 – 2004 | 2005 – 2009 | 2010 – 2013 | 2014 – present]

2014 – present

Khaghani Far I, Li X, Kos M, Gordon CM, Williams H, Pavel M, Jimison HB. NUCoach: A Modular Coaching Platform for Health and Data Scientists. In Press, 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Honolulu, HI. July 17-21, 2018.

Kristin E. Lees, Barbara J. Guthrie, Elizabeth L. Henderson, Holly B. Jimison, Carmen Sceppa, Misha Pavel, Christine Gordon, Terry Fulmer. “NUCare: advancing research on technological integration for self-management in the aging population.” Nursing Outlook (2017). DOI:

MR Kos, X Li, I Khaghani-Far, CM Gordon, M Pavel, HB Jimison. “Can accelerometry data improve estimates of heart rate variability from wrist pulse PPG sensors?” Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2017 07; 2017 :1587-1590. PMID: 29060185.

WT Riley, CA Martin, DE Rivera, EB Hekler, MA Adams, MP Buman, M Pavel, AC King. “Development of a dynamic computational model of social cognitive theory.” Transl Behav Med. 2016 Dec; 6(4): 483–495. Published online 2015 Nov 9. doi: 10.1007/s13142-015-0356-6 PMCID: PMC5110484.

EB Hekler, S Michie, M Pavel, DE Rivera, LM Collins, HB Jimison, C Garnett, S Parral, D Spruijt-Metz. “Advancing Models and Theories for Digital Behavior Change Interventions.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016 Nov; 51 (5) :825-832. PMCID: PMC5506832.

M Pavel, HB Jimison, I Korhonen, CM Gordon, N Saranummi, Behavioral Informatics and Computational Modeling in Support of Proactive Health Management and Care, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2015. 62 (12), p. 2763-2775.

E Helander, M Pavel, H Jimison, I Korhonen, Time-series modeling of long-term weight self-monitoring data. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, August 2015.

HB Jimison, S Hagler, G Kurillo, R Bajcsy, M Pavel, Remote health coaching for interactive exercise with older adults in a home environment. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, August 2015.

A Ledesma, H Nieminen, P Valve, M Ermes, H Jimison, M Pavel, The shape of health: A comparison of five alternative ways of visualizing personal health and wellbeing. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, August 2015.

J Pietila, E Helander, T Myllymaki, I Korhonen, H Jimison, M Pavel, Exploratory analysis of associations between individual lifestyles and heart rate variability-based recovery during sleep. Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, August 2015.

G Kurillo, F Ofli, J Marcoe, P Gorman, H Jimison, M Pavel, R Bajcsy. Multi-disciplinary design and in-home evaluation of kinect-based exercise coaching system for elderly. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Everyday Life, 101-113 (2015).

TW Bickmore, M Goodwin, HB Jimison, M Pavel, S Zhou, Z Zhang. Training Researchers in Behavioral Technology and Personal Health Informatics.  Annals of Behavioral Medicine 49, S52-S52 (2015).

D Austin, J McNames, K Klein, H Jimison, M Pavel, A Statistical Characterization of the Finger Tapping Test: Modeling, Estimation, and Applications. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of 19 (2), 501-507 (2015).

Ofli F, Kurillo G, Obdrzalek S, Bajcsy R, Jimison H, Pavel M, Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Exercise Coaching System for Older Adults: Lessons Learned, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, January 2015.

Hagler S, Jimison HB, Pavel M. Assessing executive function using a computer game: computational modeling of cognitive processes. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2014 Jul;18(4):1442-52.

Hagler S, Jimison HB, Bajcsy R, Pavel M. Quantification of human movement for assessment in automated exercise coaching. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014 Aug;2014

2010 – 2013

Jimison HB, Klein KA, Marcoe JL, A socialization intervention in remote health coaching for older adults in the home.  Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013;2013:7025-8.

Rivera DE, Jimison HB, Systems modeling of behavior change: two illustrations from optimized interventions for improved health outcomes. IEEE Pulse 2013 Nov; 4(6):41-7.

Pavel M, Wactlar HD, Jimison HB, Hayes T, Barkis W, Skapik J, Kaye J, Barkis W, The Role of Technology and Engineering Models in Transforming Healthcare, IEEE Rev Biomed Eng, 2013; 6:156-77.

Š. Obdržálek, G. Kurillo, F. Ofli, R. Bajcsy, E. Seto, H. Jimison, M. Pavel, Accuracy and Robustness of Kinect Pose Estimation in the Context of Coaching of Elderly Population, EMBC, 34th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, California, August 2012.

Austin D, Feuerstein J, Jimison H, Pavel M, State-Space Model for Finger Tapping with Applications to Cognitive Inference, Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, August 2012.

Hagler S, Jimison H, Pavel M, Unobtrusive in-home assessment by means of everyday computer mouse usage. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011;2011:3816-9.

Kaye JA, Maxwell SA, Mattek N, Hayes TL, Dodge H, Pavel M, Jimison H, Wild K, Boise L, and Zitzelberger T, Intelligent Systems for Assessing Aging Changes:  Home-Based, Unobtrusive and Continuous Assessment of Aging. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. 2011; 66B(suppl 1): i180-i190.

Austin D, Jimison H, Hayes TL, Mattek N, Kaye J. Measuring motor speed through typing: a surrogate for the finger tapping test. Behavior Research Methods. 2011; Online First(15 April 2011).

Sharma PS, Eden KB, Guise JM, Jimison HB, Dolan JG, Subjective Risk vs. Objective Risk Can Lead to Different Post-Cesarean Birth Decisions Based on Multiattribute Modeling. J Clin Epidemiol, 2011 Jan; 64(1):67-78.

Jimison HB and Pavel M, A Utility and Context Based Framework for Addressing the Machine Learning Challenges of Detecting Rare but Important Clinical Events, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23 edited by J. Lafferty and C. K. I. Williams and J. Shawe-Taylor and R.S. Zemel and A. Culotta (2010).

Jimison HB, McKanna J, Ambert K, Hagler S, Hatt WJ, Pavel M, Models of Cognitive Performance Based on Home Monitoring Data, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference.  Buenos Aires, Argentina.  September 2010.

Pavel M, Jimison H, Hayes T, Larimer N, Hagler S, Vimegon Y, Leen T, Ozertem U, Optimizing Medication Reminders Using a Decision-Theoretic Framework. In: Medinfo 2010: Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics.

Austin D, Leen T, Hayes TL, Kaye JA, Jimison H, Pavel M. Model-Based Inference of Cognitive Processes from Unobtrusive Gait Velocity Measurements. Proceedings of the 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Buenos Aires, Argentina. September, 2010

Kaye JA, Maxwell SA, Mattek N, Hayes T, Dodge H, Pavel M, Jimison H, Wild K, Boise L, Zitzelberger T,  Intelligent Systems for Assessing Aging Changes: Home-Based, Unobtrusive and Continuous Assessment of Aging, Journal of Gerontology; Series B. 2010.

2005 – 2009

Britto MT, Jimison HB, Munafo JK, Wissman J, Rogers ML, Hersh W.  Usability Testing finds Problems for Novice Users of Pediatric Portals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 16(5); 660. 2009.

Hatt WJ, VanBaak EA, Jimison HB, Hagler S, Hayes TL, Pavel M, Kaye, J.  The Exploration & Forensic Analysis of Computer Usage Data in the Elderly.  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference.  Minneapolis MN.  September 2009.

McKanna J, Jimison HB, Pavel M.  Divided Attention in Computer Game Play:  Analysis Utilizing Unobtrusive Health Monitoring.  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference.  Minneapolis, MN.  September 2009.

Jimison, HB and Pavel, M.  Integrating Computer-Based Health Coaching into Elder Home Care. In: Technology and Aging: Selected papers from the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Aging (FICCDAT). 2008.

Weinshall  D,  Hermansky  H,  Zweig A, Luo J,  Jimison H,  Ohl  F, and Pavel M.  Beyond Novelty Detection: Incongruent Events, when General and Specific Classifiers Disagree. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Vancouver, Dec 2008.

Kaye J, Hayes T, Zitzelberger T, Yeargers J, Pavel M, Jimison H, Larimer N, Payne-Murphy J, Earl E, Wild K, Boise L, Williams D, Lundell J, Dishman E. Deploying wide-scale in-home assessment technology. In: Technology and Aging: Selected papers from the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Aging (FICCDAT). 2008.

Jimison HB, Pavel M, Le T.  Home-Based Cognitive Monitoring Using Embedded Measures of Verbal Fluency in a Computer Word Game.  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. Vancouver BC.  September 2008.

Perkins J, Pavel M, Jimison HB, Scott S.  Gesture Recognition for Interactive Exercise Programs.  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference.  Vancouver BC.  September 2008.

Jimison HB, Pavel M, Bissell P, McKanna J.  A Framework for Cognitive Monitoring Using Computer Game Interactions.  In: Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics; Building Sustainable Health Systems; Kuhn KA, Warren JR, Leong TY (Eds). Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2007.

Jimison HB, Pavel M, Larimer N, Mullen P.  A General Architecture for Computer Based Health Coaching.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology & Aging, Toronto, 2007.

Jimison HB and Pavel M.  A Scaleable Approach to Cognitive Health Coaching.  White Paper published in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Assisted Cognition. Rochester, NY, October 2007.Jimison, HB, Pavel, M, Wild, K, Bissel, P , McKanna, J, Blaker, D, and Williams, D. A Neural Informatics Approach to Cognitive Assessment and Monitoring.  Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Neural Engineering, Kona, HI, 2007.

Mahoney D, Purtilo R, Webbe F, Alwan M, Bharucha A, Adlam T, Jimison H, Turner B, Becker S.  In-home monitoring of persons with dementia: Ethical guidelines for technology research and development.  Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 3(3) 2007  pp. 217-226.

Pavel M, Hayes TL, Tsay A, Erdogmus W, Paul AS, Larimer N, Jimison H, Nutt J. Continuous Assessment of Gait Velocity in Parkinson’s Disease from Unobtrusive Measurements. In: 3rd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. 2007.

Jimison, H, Pavel, M, Wild, K, Williams, D, McKanna, J, and Bissel, P.  Embedded Assessment of Cognitive Performance with Elders’ Use of Computer Games in a Residential Environment.  Proceedings of the Workshop on The Cognitive Science of Games and Gaming, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2006.

Pavel M, Hayes TL, Adami A, Jimison H, Kaye J, Unobtrusive Assessment of Mobility, Conf Proc IEE Eng Med Bio Soc. 2006: 1:6277-80.

Jimison, HB, Pavel, M.  Embedded Assessment Algorithms for Home-Based Cognitive Computer Games Exercises for Elders.  Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Conference, New York, NY, September 2006.

Pavel, M., Adami, A., Morris, M., Lundell, J., Hayes, T. L., Jimison, H., & Kaye, J. A. Mobility Assessment Using Event-Related Responses. Proceedings of the IEEE Transdisciplinary Conference on Distributed Diagnosis and Healthcare, Washington, D.C., USA. April, 2006.

Jimison, H., Jessey, N., McKanna, J., Zitzelberger, T., Kaye, J.,  Monitoring Computer Interactions to Detect Early Cognitive Impairment in Elders, Proceedings of the IEEE Transdisciplinary Conference on Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare.  Washington DC, 2006.

Jimison, H., Pavel, M., McKanna, J., Unobtrusive Computer Monitoring of Sensory-Motor Function, Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Shanghai, China, September, 2005.

Hsu, J., Huang, J., Fung, V., Robertson, N., Jimison, H. and Frankel, R., Health Information Technology and Physician-Patient Interactions: Impact of Computers on Communication During Outpatient Primary Care Visits, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2005;12(4):474-480.

Frankel, R., Altschuler, A., George, S., Kinsman, J., Jimison, H., Robertson, N. and Hsu, J., Exam-Room Computers and Clinician-Patient Communication:  An Example of Digital Amplification, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Aug; 20(8):677-82.

2000 – 2004

Jimison, H.B., Pavel, M., McKanna, J., Pavel, J.  Unobtrusive Monitoring of Computer Interactions to Detect Cognitive Status in Elders, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 8, No. 3, September 2004, pp. 248-252.

Jimison, HB, Pavel, M, McKanna, J, Pavel, J.  Home Monitoring of Computer Interactions for the Early Detection of Dementia.  Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, San Francisco, CA, September, 2004.

Wagner, T.H., Jimison, H. Computerized Health Information and the Demand for Medical Care. Value in Health 6(1) 2003,  pp. 29-39.

Jimison, HB; Pavel, M; Pavel, J.  Adaptive Interfaces for Home Health.  Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, Washington. October 2003.

Pavel, M, Hayes, TL, Jimison, HB, Schallau, PK, Adami, AM, Kaye, J, Pavel, J.  Unobtrusive Monitoring and Assessment of Cognitive Abilities.  Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, Washington. October 2003.

Jimison, HB, Pavel, M.  Monitoring of Body Weight for Heart Failure Patients: Variability of Weight and Self- Reporting.  Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Cancun, Mexico, September, 2003.

Jimison, H.B., Goodman, C. A., Pavel, M., Participatory Design for Home Care Technology.  Proceedings of the Second Joint Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, October 2002, Houston, TX, pp 1873-1875.

Hibbard, J.H., Greenlick, M.R., Jimison, H.B., Capizzi, J, Kunkel, L., The Impact of a Community-Wide Self-Care Information Project on Self-Care and Medical Care Utilization,  Evaluation & the Health Professions, Vol. 24, No. 4, December 2001, pp. 404-423.

Churchill, B.E., Lyman, J.A., Jimison H.B., Mailhot, M.F., Quick. E.A., Simpson, D.A., Current Usage Patterns and Attitudes Toward Handheld Computers in Clinical Care.  Abstract in Converging Information Technology and Health Care.  Proceedings of the 2000 AMIA Annual Symposium, Overhage, J.M. ed. November 2000.

1990 – 1999

Jimison, H.B., Adler, L.J., Coye, M.J., Mulley, A.G., and Eng, T.R.  Health Care Providers and Purchasers and Evaluation of Interactive Health Communication Applications. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol.16 No.1:16-22; January 1999.

Eng, T.R., Gustafson, D., Henderson, J., Jimison, H.B, and Patrick, K.,  Introduction to the Evaluation of Interactive Health Communication Applications, American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol.16 No.1:16-22; January 1999.

Hibbard, J.H., Greenlick, M.R., Jimison, H.B., Kunkel, L, and Tusler, M.  Prevalence and Predictors of the Use of Self-Care Resources, Evaluation and the Health Professions. 22 (1): 107-122. Sage Publications, 1999.

Jimison, H.B. and Sher, P.P.  Advances in Health Information Technology for Patients, Journal of AHIMA, Vol. 69, No.8.  September 1998.

Jimison, H.B., Sher P.P., and LeVernois, Y.M.  The Use of Multimedia in the Informed Consent Process, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,  Vol 5, Number 2, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1998.

Jimison, H.B., Sher P.P., and LeVernois, Y.M.  Multimedia Tools for Informed Consent, Proceedings of the International Nursing Informatics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1997.

Gabello W.J., Deye, D.L., Kahn G., Jimison H.B., Renner J.H., and Wenner A.R.,  How Computers Enrich Patient Education.  Patient Care, Vol 31, No 3, Feb 1997, pp. 88-113.

Harris, D., Hanes, P., Jimison, H., Jones, D., Bryan Wilson, J., Greenlick, M.  Physician and Plan Effects on Satisfaction of Medicaid Managed Care Patients With Their Health Care and Providers. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, January 1997, vol 20, No 1, p. 46-64.

Jimison H.B. and Sher P.P, Consumer Health Informatics:  Health Information Technology for Consumers, Journal of the  American Society for Information Science, Vol 46, No 10, 1995, p.783-790.

Jimison, H.B., Chaffee, A., and Lansky, D. Empowering the Patient:  Tailored Health Information for Decision Making, in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1993.

Jimison, H. B., & Pavel, M. A Computer Aid For Enhanced Risk Communication. Medical Decision Making, 13(4), p. 389. 1993.

Jimison, H.B.,  Fagan, L.M., Shachter, R.D., and Shortliffe, E.H.:  Patient-Specific Explanation in Models of Chronic Disease.  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 4, Number 3, June 1992, p. 191-205.


Jimison, H.B.: A Representation of Uncertainty to Aid Insight into Decision Models.  Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1988.

Pavel, M., Jimison, H.B., and Moore, R.T., Constraints on Generalization by Adaptive Networks, Neural Networks,  Volume 1, Supplement 1, 1988.

Jimison, H.B.: A Representation for Gaining Insight into Clinical Decision Models. Twelfth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1988.

Jimison, H.B.: A Representation of Uncertainty to Aid Insight into Decision Models.  Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1988.

Forbes, A.D. and Jimison, H.B.:  A QRS Detection Algorithm.  Journal of Clinical Monitoring, Volume 3, Number 1, January 1987.

Heckerman, D. and Jimison, H.: A Perspective on Confidence and Its Use in Focusing Attention During Knowledge Acquisition. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1987.

Jimison, H.B.:  Computer Applications of Bayesian Statistics in Medicine, Computer Science and Statistics:  Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on the Interface, American Statistical Association, Washington D.C., 1986.

Forbes, A.D., Helfenbein, E.D., Heumann, J.M., Jimison, H.B., Lindauer, J.M., Platt, J.S.:  Ambulatory Arrhythmia Analysis:  A Dual-Channel, Bayesian  Approach, Computers in Cardiology, 1985.

Eletr, S., Jimison, H., Ream, A.K., Dolan, W.M., Rosenthal, M.H.:  Cutaneous Monitoring of Systemic PCO2 on Patients in the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit Being Weaned from the Ventilator, Acta Anaesth. Scand.,  Suppl. 68, 1978.

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[pre-1980 | 1980 – 1990 | 1990 – 1999 | 2000 – 2004 | 2005 – 2009 | 2010 – 2013 | 2014 – present]

2014 – present

(2016)  Riley, W.T., Martin, C.A., Rivera, D.E., Hekler, E.B., Buman, M.P., Adams, M.A., Pavel, M., & King, A.C. Development of a Dynamical Systems Model of Social Cognitive Theory. Translational Behavioral Medicine.

(2015) Pavel, M., Jimison, H. B., Korhonen, I., Gordon, C. M., & Saranummi, N. (2015). Behavioral Informatics and Computational Modeling in Support of Proactive Health Management and Care. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 62(12), 2763-2775.

(2015)  Austin, D., McNames, J., Klein, K., Jimison, H., & Pavel, M. (2015). A statistical characterization of the finger tapping test: Modeling, estimation, and applications. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19(2), 501-507. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2014.2384911

(2015)  Open Science Collaboration (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science.  Science, 349(6251). DOI: 10.1126/science.aac4716

(2015)  Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., Parker, A., & Mainello, K. (2015). The Role of Human Computer Interaction in Consumer Health Applications: Current State, Challenges and the Future. In Cognitive Informatics for Biomedicine (pp. 259-278). Springer International Publishing.

(2015)   Spruijt-Metz, D., Hekler, E., Saranummi, N., Intille, S., Korhonen, I., Nilsen, W., & Pavel, M. Building new computational models to support health behavior change and maintenance: new opportunities in behavioral research. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 1-12.

(2015)   Kurillo, Gregorij, et al. “Multi-disciplinary Design and In-Home Evaluation of Kinect-Based Exercise Coaching System for Elderly.” Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Everyday Life. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 101-113

(2015) Ofli, F., Kurillo, G., Obdrzalek, S., Bajcsy, R., Jimison, H., & Pavel, M. (2015). Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Exercise Coaching System for Older Adults: Lessons Learned. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of, PP(99), 1-1. doi:10.1109/JBHI.2015.2391671

(2015) H. B. Jimison, M. Pavel, A. Parker, and K. Mainello, “The Role of Human Computer Interaction in Consumer Health Applications: Current State, Challenges and the Future,” in Cognitive Informatics for Biomedicine, ed: Springer, 2015, pp. 259-278.

(2015) H. B. Jimison, S. Hagler, G. Kurillo, R. Bajcsy, and M. Pavel, “Remote health coaching for interactive exercise with older adults in a home environment,” in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015, pp. 5485-5488.

(2015)  Austin, D., McNames, J., Klein, K., Jimison, H., & Pavel, M. (2015). A Statistical Characterization of the Finger Tapping Test: Modeling, Estimation, and Applications. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of, 19(2), 501-507.

(2015)  Dhawan, A. P., Heetderks, W. J., Pavel, M., Acharya, S., Akay, M., Mairal, A., … & Bhargava, B. (2015). Current and Future Challenges in Point-of-Care Technologies: A Paradigm-Shift in Affordable Global Healthcare With Personalized and Preventive Medicine. Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, IEEE Journal of, 3, 1-10.
(2015)  Hagler, S., Jimison, H. B., Bajcsy, R., & Pavel, M. (2014, August). Quantification of human movement for assessment in automated exercise coaching. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE (pp. 5836-5839). IEEE.

(2015) S. Mehrang, E. Helander, M. Pavel, A. Chieh, and I. Korhonen, “Outlier detection in weight time series of connected scales,” in Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pp. 1489-1496.

(2015) E. Helander, M. Pavel, H. Jimison, and I. Korhonen, “Time-series modeling of long-term weight self-monitoring data,” in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015, pp. 1616-1620

(2015) J. Pietila, E. Helander, T. Myllymaki, I. Korhonen, H. Jimison, and M. Pavel, “Exploratory analysis of associations between individual lifestyles and heart rate variability-based recovery during sleep,” in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015, pp. 2339-2342.

(2015) A. Ledesma, H. Nieminen, P. Valve, M. Ermes, H. Jimison, and M. Pavel, “The shape of health: A comparison of five alternative ways of visualizing personal health and wellbeing,” in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2015, pp. 7638-7641

(2014) S. Hagler, H. B. Jimison, and M. Pavel, “Assessing executive function using a computer game: Computational modeling of cognitive processes,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 18, pp. 1442-1452, 2014.

(2014) Pavel, M. (2014). The role of computational, multiscale models in behavioral informatics. 2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2014, 813-816. doi: 10.1109/BHI.2014.6864488

(2014) Hayes TL, Riley T, Mattek N, Pavel M, Kaye JA. Sleep Habits in Mild Cognitive Impairment.Alzheimer’s Disease & Associated Disorders. 2014; 28(2): 145-50.

(2014)  Kaye J, Mattek N, Dodge HH, Campbell I, Hayes T, Austin D, Hatt W, Wild K, Jimison H, Pavel M. Unobtrusive measurement of daily computer use to detect mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimers Dement. 2014; 10(1): 10-7.

(2014)  Petersen J, Austin D, Kaye JA, Pavel M, Hayes TL. Unobtrusive in-home detection of time spent out-of-home with applications to loneliness and physical activity. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 2014; PP(99).

2010 – 2013

(2013) Kumar, S., Nilsen, W.J., Abernethy, A., Atienza, A., Patrick, K., Pavel, M., et al, Mobile health technology evaluation, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, August 2013, Vol. 45, No. 2

(2013) Kumar, S., Nilsen, W., Pavel, M., Srivastava, M., Mobile health: Revolutionizing healthcare through transdisciplinary research, Computer, 41-47.

(2013) Pavel M., Jimison H., Wactlar, H., Hayes, T., Barkis, W.,  Skapik, J.,   Kaye J.,  The role of technology and Engineering Models in Transforming Healthcare, IEEE Rev Biomed Eng. 2013;6:156-77

(2012)  Kaye J. Mattek N, Dodge H, Buracchio T, Austin D, Hagler S, Pavel M, Hayes T.L., One walk a year to 1000 within a year: continuous in-home unobtrusive gait assessment of older adults. Gait Posture 35:197-202

(2012)   Wendy Nilsen, Santosh Kumar, Albert Shar, Carrie Varoquiers, Tisha Wiley, William T Riley, Misha Pavel, Audie A Atienza, Advancing the science of mHealth, Journal of health communication. 01/2012; 17 Suppl 1:5-10

(2012)   Daphna Weinshall; Alon Zweig; Hynek Hermansky; Stefan Kombrink; Frank W. Ohl; Jörn Anemüller; Jörg-Hendrik Bach; Luc Van Gool; Fabian Nater; Tomas Pajdla; et al. Beyond novelty detection: Incongruent events, when general and specific classifiers disagree IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2012;34(10):1886-1901.

(2012) Austin D. , Feuerstein J., Jimison H., Pavel M.,  State-Space Model for Finger Tapping with Applications to Cognitive Inference Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA

(2012) Adami A.M, Adami A.G., Hayes T.L.., Pavel M., Beattie Z.T.  A Gaussian Model for Movement Detection during Sleep. Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA

(2012) Anemüller, J., B. Caputo, Hermansky, H., Ohl, F., Pajda, T, Pavel, M, Van Gool, L, Vogels, R, Wabnik, S, Weinshall, D.  “DIRAC: Detection and identification of rare audio-visual events.” Studies in Computational Intelligence 384: 3-35

(2011) Wactlar H., Pavel M., and Barkis W., “Can Computer Science Save Healthcare?,” Intelligent Systems, IEEE, vol. 26, pp. 79-83, Sept. 2011.

(2011) Buracchio TJ, Mattek NC, Dodge HH, Hayes TL, Pavel M, Howieson DB, Kaye JA  Executive function predicts risk  of falls in older adults without balance impairment. BMC Geriatr 11:74.

(2011)  Y. Huang, D. Erdogmus, M. Pavel, S. Mathan, K.E. Hild II, “A Framework for Rapid Visual Image Search using Single-trial Brain Evoked Responses”, Neurocomputing, vol. 74, pp. 2041-2051.

(2011) Hayes TL, Riley T, Pavel M, Kaye JA. Estimation of Rest-Activity Patterns using Motion Sensors. Proceedings of the 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 31 August-4 September, 2010; Buenos Aires, Argentina. PMCID: PMC Journal.

(2011) Austin Daniel, Hayes, Tamara L, Kaye Jeffrey, Mattek Nora, Pavel Misha, On the disambiguation of passively measured in-home gait velocities from multi-person smart homes, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Volume 3, Number 2 / 2011, 165-174

(2011)  JA Kaye, SA Maxwell, N. Mattek, TL Hayes, H. Dodge, M. Pavel, H. Jimison, K. Wild, L. Boise and T. Zitzelberger, Intelligent Systems for Assessing Aging Changes: Home-Based, Unobtrusive and Continuous Assessment of Aging, The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol. 66B, no. suppl 1, pp. i180–i190

(2011)  Austin D, Jimison H, Hayes TL, Mattek N, Kaye J. Measuring motor speed through typing: a surrogate for the finger tapping test. Behavior Research Methods. 2011;Online First(15 April 2011).

(2011) Austin, D., Hayes, T. L., Kaye, J., Mattek, N., & Pavel, M. (2011). Unobtrusive monitoring of the longitudinal evolution of in-home gait velocity data with applications to elder care. Paper presented at the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC, 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE
(2011) Campbell, I. H., D. Austin, et al. “Measuring changes in activity patterns during a norovirus epidemic at a retirement community.” Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS: 6793-6796.
(2010)  Austin D, Hayes TL, Kaye J, Pavel M. Unobtrusive and Ubiquitous In-Home Monitoring: A Methodology for Continuous Assessment of Gait Velocity in Elders. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,

(2010)   Adami AM, Pavel M, Hayes TL, Singer CM. Detection of Movement in Bed Using Unobtrusive Load Cell Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2010, 14(2).

(2010)  Adami AM, Adami AG, Schwarz G, Beattie Z, Hayes TL. A Subject State Detection Approach to Determine Rest-Activity Patterns Using Load Cells. Proceedings of the 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 31 August-4 September, 2010; Buenos Aires, Argentina.

(2010)   Austin D, Leen T, Hayes TL, Kaye JA, Jimison H, Pavel M. Model-Based Inference of Cognitive Processes from Unobtrusive Gait Velocity Measurements. Proceedings of the 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 31 August-4 September, 2010; Buenos Aires, Argentina.

(2010)  Jimison HB and Pavel M, A Utility and Context Based Framework for Addressing the Machine Learning Challenges of Detecting Rare but Important Clinical Events, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23 edited by J. Lafferty and C. K. I. Williams and J. Shawe-Taylor and R.S. Zemel and A. Culotta (2010).

(2010) Hagler S, Austin D, Hayes TL, Kaye J, Pavel M. Unobtrusive and Ubiquitous In-Home Monitoring: A Methodology for Continuous Assessment of Gait Velocity in Elders. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2010; 57: 813-820.

(2010) Jimison HB, McKanna J, Ambert K, Hagler S, Hatt WJ, Pavel M, Models of Cognitive Performance Based on Home Monitoring Data, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference.  Buenos Aires, Argentina.  September 2010.

(2010) Hayes TL, Riley T, Pavel M, Kaye JA. Estimation of Rest-Activity Patterns using Motion Sensors. Proceedings of the 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 31 August-4 September, 2010; Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2005 – 2009

(2009) McKanna J, Jimison HB, Pavel M.  Divided Attention in Computer Game Play:  Analysis Utilizing Unobtrusive Health Monitoring.  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference.  Minneapolis, MN.  September 2009.

(2009)  Hayes TL, Cobbinah K, Dishongh T, et al., A study of medication-taking and unobtrusive, intelligent reminding. Telemedicine and e-Health, 2009, 15(8): 770-776.

(2009)  Hayes TL, Hagler S, Austin D, Kaye J, Pavel M. Unobtrusive assessment of walking speed in the home using inexpensive PIR sensors. 31th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2-6 September, 2009; Minneapolis, MN, 7248-7251.

(2009) Beattie ZT, Hagen CC, Pavel M, Hayes TL. Classification of Breathing Events Using Load Cells under the Bed. 31th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering inMedicine and Biology Society, 2-6 September, 2009; Minneapolis, MN, 3921-3924

(2009) Adami AM, Hayes TL, Pavel M, Adami AG. Comparison of Load Cells and Wrist-Actigraphy for Unobtrusive Monitoring of Sleep Movements. 31th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2-6 September, 2009; Minneapolis, MN, 1314-1317.

(2009) Hatt WJ, VanBaak EA, Jimison HB, Hagler S, Hayes TL, Pavel M, Kaye J. The exploration & forensic analysis of computer usage data in the elderly. Proceedings of the 31th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2-6 September, 2009; Minneapolis, MN, 1216-1219.

(2008) Hayes TL, Abendroth F, Adami A, Pavel, M, Zitzelberger TA, Kaye JA. Unobtrusive assessment of activity patterns associated with mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 2008, 4(6): 395-405. NIHMSID #79422.

(2008) Adami AM, Adami A, Singer CM, Hayes TL, Pavel M. A System for unobtrusive monitoring of mobility in bed. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE Workshops 2008. Piscataway, NJ 08855- 1331, United States: IEEE Computer Society, 2008:13-18.

(2008) Gunzler, S. A., Koudelka, C., Carlson, N. E., Pavel, M., & Nutt, J. G. Effect of low concentrations of apomorphine on parkinsonism in a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Archives of Neurology, 65 (2), 193-198.

(2008) Kaye, J., Hayes, T., Zitzelberger, T., Yeargers, J., Pavel, M., Jimison, H. B., Larimer, N., Payne-Murphy, J., Earl, E., Wild, K., Boise, L., Williams, D., Lundell, J., & Dishman, E. Deploying wide-scale in-home assessment technology. In: Technology and Aging: Selected papers from the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Aging (FICCDAT). 2008.

(2008) Pavel, M., Jimison, H. B., Hayes, T. L., Kaye, J., Dishman, E., Wild, K., & Williams, D. Continuous,  Unobtrusive Monitoring for the Assessment of Cognitive Function. In S. Hofer & D. Alwin (Eds.), Handbook of Cognitive Aging: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

(2008)  Jimison, H. B., & Pavel, M.. Integrating Computer-Based Health Coaching into Elder Home Care Assistive Technology Research Series, Technology and Aging (pp. 122 – 129).

(2008) Jimison HB, Pavel M, Le T.  Home-Based Cognitive Monitoring Using Embedded Measures of Verbal Fluency in a Computer Word Game.  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. Vancouver BC.  September 2008.

(2007) Dorneich, M. C., Whitlow, S. D., Mathan, S., Ververs, P. M., Erdogmus, D., Adami, A., Pavel, M., & Lan, T. Supporting Real-time Cognitive State Classification on a Mobile Individual. Journal of Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making(Special Issue on Augmented Cognition: Past, Present, and Future).

(2007) Hayes, T. L., Pavel, M., Larimer, N., Tsay, I. A., Nutt, J., & Adami, A. G. Distributed healthcare: Simultaneous assessment of multiple individuals. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(1), 36-43.

(2007) Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., Bissell, P., & McKanna, J. A framework for cognitive monitoring using computer game interactions. 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics, 129, 1073-1077.

(2007) Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., Larimer, N., & Mullen, P. A General Architecture for Computer Based Health Coaching. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology & Aging, Toronto.

(2007) Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., Wild, K., Bissell, P., McKanna, J., Blaker, D., & Williams, D. A Neural Informatics Approach to Cognitive Assessment and Monitoring. 3rd International IEEE  EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 696-699, Hawaii, USA.

(2007) Lundell, J., Hayes, T. L., Vurgun, S., Ozertem, U., Kimel, J., Kaye, J., Guilak, F., & Pavel, M. Continuous activity monitoring and intelligent contextual prompting to improve medication adherence. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France.

(2007) Pavel, M., Hayes, T. L., Tsay, A., Erdogmus, D., Paul, A., Larimer, N., Jimison, H., & Nutt, J. Continuous Assessment of Gait Velocity in Parkinson’s Disease from Unobtrusive Measurements. 3rd International IEEE  EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 700-703, Hawaii, USA.

(2007) Vurgun, S., Philipose, M., & Pavel, M. A Statistical Reasoning System for Medication Prompting. In Ubiquitous Computing, 9th International Conference (Vol. 4717, pp. 1-18): Springer.

(2006) Jimison, H. B., & Pavel, M. Embedded Assessment Algorithms for Home-Based Cognitive Computer Games Exercises for Elders. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Conference, New York, NY.

(2006) Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., Wild, K., Williams, D., McKanna, J., & Bissel, P. Embedded Assessment of Cognitive Performance with Elders’ Use of Computer Games in a Residential Environment. Proceedings of the Workshop on The Cognitive Science of Games and Gaming, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

(2006) Lundell, J., Kimel, J., Hayes, T. L., Dishongh, T., Kaye, J., & Pavel, M. Why Elders Forget to Take Their Meds: A Probe Study to Inform a Smart Reminding System. 4th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics – ICOST2006, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.

(2006) Mathan, S., Ververs, P. D., Dorneich, M., Whitlow, S. D., Carciofinin, J., Erdogmus, D., Pavel, M., Huang, C., Lan, T., & Adami, A. Neurotechnology for Image Analysis: Searching for needles in haystacks efficiently. HCI2006, San Francisco.

(2006) Pavel, M., Adami, A., Morris, M., Lundell, J., Hayes, T. L., Jimison, H., & Kaye, J. A. Mobility Assessment Using Event-Related Responses. Proceedings of the IEEE Transdisciplinary Conference on Distributed Diagnosis and Healthcare, Washington, D.C., USA.

(2006) Pavel, M., Hayes, T. L., Adami, A., Jimison, H. B., & Kaye, J. Unobtrusive assessment of mobility. 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York, NY.

(2005) Adami, A. M., Hayes, T. L., Pavel, M., & Singer, C. M. Detection and classification of movements in bed using load cells. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, China.

(2005) Erdogmus, D., Adami, A., Pavel, M., Lan, T., Mathan, S., Whitlow, S., & Dorneich, M. Cognitive State Estimation Based on EEG for Augmented Cognition. Proceedings of NER’05,, 566-569, Arlington, Virginia.

(2005) Mathan, S., Mazaeva, N., Whitlow, S., Adami, A., Erdogmus, D., Lan, T., & Pavel, M. Sensor-Based Cognitive State Assessment in a Mobile Environment. Proceedings of AUGCOG’05 (jointly with HCII’05), Las Vegas, Nevada.

(2005) T. Lan, A. Adami, D. Erdogmus, & M. Pavel. Estimating Cognitive State Using EEG Signals,. Proceedings of EUSIPCO’05,.

(2005) T. Lan, D. Erdogmus, A. Adami, & M. Pavel, ” Feature Selection by Independent Component Analysis and Mutual Information Maximization in EEG Signal Classification. Proceedings of IJCNN’05, Montreal, Quebec.

(2005) T. Lan, D. Erdogmus, A. Adami, M. Pavel, & S. Mathan. Salient EEG Channel Selection in Brain Computer Interfaces by Mutual Information Maximization. Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Shanghai, China, .

(2005) Thomson, J., Hetzler, B., MacEachren, A., Gahegan, M., & Pavel, M. A Typology for Visualizing Uncertainty. Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis 2005 (part of the IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2005), San Jose, CA, USA.

(2005) Wang, G., & Pavel, M. A Spiking Neuron Model of Auditory Neural Coding. Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2005), Chongqing, China.

2000 – 2004

(2004) Jimison, H., Pavel, M., McKanna, J., & Pavel, J. Unobtrusive monitoring of computer interactions to detect cognitive status in elders. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 8(3), 248-252.

(2004) Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., McKanna, J., & Pavel, J. Home Monitoring of Computer Interactions for the Early Detection of Dementia. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, San Francisco, CA,.

(2004) Luk, C. H., Gao, C., Hammerstrom, D., Pavel, M., & Kerr, D. Biologically inspired enhanced vision system (EVS) for aircraft landing guidance. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 3, 1751 – 1756.

(2004) Song, X., & Pavel, M. Performance Advantage of Combined Classifiers in Multi-category Cases: An Analysis. Neural Information Processing, 11th International Conference, ICONIP 2004, 750-757, Calcutta, India.

(2004) Song, X., Yang, K., & Pavel, M. Density Boosting for Gaussian Mixtures. Neural Information Processing, 11th International Conference, ICONIP 2004, 508-515, Calcutta, India.

(2003) Adami, A. M., Hayes, T. L., & Pavel, M. Unobtrusive monitoring of sleep patterns. 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2, 1360-1363, Cancun, Mexico.

(2003) Hayes, T., Pavel, M., Schallau, P. K., & Adami, A. M. Unobtrusive monitoring of health status in an aging population. 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Seattle, Washington.

(2003) Hayes, T. L., Pavel, M., & Kaye, J. A. An unobtrusive in-home monitoring system for detection of key motor changes preceding cognitive decline. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2, San Francisco, CA.

(2003) Hayes, T. L., Pavel, M., & Li, K. Augmenting Attention Allocation. DARPA Bionics 2003 Winter Meeting, Kona, HI.

(2003) Jimison, H. B., & Pavel, M. Monitoring of Body Weight for Heart Failure Patients: Variability of weight and Self- Reporting. Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Cancun, Mexico.

(2003) Jimison, H. B., Pavel, M., & Pavel, J. Adaptive Interfaces for Home Health. 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing., Seattle, Washington.

(2003) Kerr, J. R., Luk, C. H., Hammerstrom, D., & Pavel, M. Advanced integrated enhanced vision systems, Enhanced and Synthetic Vision. SPIE Aerosense, 5081, Orlando, Florida.

(2003) Kerr, J. R., Luk, C. H., Hammerstrom, D., & Pavel, M. Neural Net Based Processor for Robust, High-integrity Multisensor and Synthetic Vision Fusion. The 22nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, DASC ’03, 2, 9D410 – 419D412., Orlando, Florida.

(2003) Pavel, M., Wang, G., & Li, K. Augmented Cognition: Allocation of Attention. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), Kona, Hawaii.

(2003) Wang, G., Pavel, M., & Song, X. Robust Recognition Based on Combination of Weak Classifiers. International Joint Conference of Neural Networks.

(2002) Adami, A., Yang, K., Song, X., & Pavel, M. Model-Based Image Processing and Analysis for Fracture Classification. Proceedings of the Second Joint Conference in Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2525-2527, Houston, TX.

(2002) Jimison, H. B., Goodman, C. A., & Pavel, M. Participatory Design for Home Care Technology. Proceedings of the Second Joint Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 1873-1875, Houston, TX, USA.

(2002) Shental, N., Hertz, T., Weinshall, D., & Pavel, M. Adjustment Learning and Relevant Component Analysis. Proceedings of the 7th European conference of Computer Vision, 4, 776-792, Copenhagen.

(2002) Song, X., Abu-Mostafa, Y. S., Sill, J., Kasdan, H. L., & Pavel, M. Image Recognition by Fusion of Contextual Information. Information Fusion Journal, 3, 277-287.

(2001) Araujo, C., Kowler, E., & Pavel, M. Eye movements during visual search: the costs of choosing the optimal path. Vision Research, 41(25-26), 3613-3625.

(2001) McGee, D. R., Pavel, M., Adami, A., Wang, G., & Cohen, P. R. A Visual Modality for the Augmentation of Paper. The Proceedings of the Workshop on Perceptive User Interfaces (PUI’01), Orlando, FL, .

(2001) McGee, D. R., Pavel, M., & Cohen, P. R. Context shifts: Extending the meanings of physical objects with language. Human Computer Interaction; Special issue on Context-aware computing, 16.

(2000) Palmer, J., Verghese, P., & Pavel, M. The psychophysics of visual search. Vision Research, 40(10-12), 1227-1268.

1990 – 1999

(1999) Sharma, R. K., Leen, T. K., & Pavel, M. Multi-Stream video fusion using local principal components analysis. SPIE, 3436.

(1999) Sharma, R. K., Leen, T. K., & Pavel, M. Probabilistic image sensor fusion. In M. S. Kearns, S. A. Solla & D. A. Cohn (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Vol. 11). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

(1998) Sharma, R. K., Leen, T. K., & Pavel, M. Multi-Stream video fusion using local principal components analysis. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3436(2), 717-725.

(1997) N. Kanendera, T. Arai, H. Hermansky, & M. Pavel. The importance of  various modulation frequencies for speech recognition. Proceedings of Fifth Europian Conference on Speech Communication and Technology – Eurospeech’97, 1079-1082., Rhodes, Greece.

(1997) Pavel, M., & Sharma, R. K. Model-Based Sensor Fusion for Aviation. Proceedings of SPIE, 3088.

(1997) Sharma, R. K., & Pavel, M. Multisensor Image Registration. Society for Information Display International Symposium, XXVIII, 951-954.

(1996) Arai, T., Pavel, M., Hermansky, H., & Avendano, C. Intelligibility of speech with filtered time trajectories of spectral envelopes. ICSLP 96, Philadelphia, PA USA.

(1996) Hermansky, H., Greenberg, S., & Pavel, M. A Brief (100-200 ms) History of time Feature Extraction of Speech. XV Annual Speech Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD USA.

(1996) Hermansky, H., Tibrewala, S., & Pavel, M. Towards ASR on partially corrupted speech. Proceedings of the ICSLP, Philadelphia, PA.

(1996) Hong, S., & Pavel, M. Determinants of symmetry perception. In C. W. Tyler (Ed.), Human Symmetry Perception and its Computational Analysis. Zeist, Netherlands: VSP.

(1996) Pavel, M., & Sharma, R. K. Fusion of radar images: Rectification without the flat earth assumption. SPIE, 2736, 108-118.

(1996) Sharma, R. K., & Pavel, M. Adaptive and statistical image fusion. SID Digest, 27, 969-972.

(1995) Hermansky, H., & Pavel, J. Psychophysics of Speech Engineering Systems. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.

(1995) Hermansky, H., & Pavel, M. Role of auditory perception in speech recognition. Proceedings of the ICHP, Stockholm, Sweden.

(1994) Suppes, P., Pavel, M., & Falmagne, J. C. Representations and models in psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 45, 517-544.

(1993) Jimison, H. B., & Pavel, M. A Computer Aid For Enhanced Risk Communication. Medical Decision Making, 13(4), 389.

(1993) Pavel, M. Image Fusion for Augmented Vision System. Proceedings of AVID, NASA Ames, NASA, Mountanview, CA.

(1993) Pavel, M. Evaluation of Image Quality. Augmented Visual Display (AVID) Research Workshop, NASA Conference Publication 10128, NASA Ames Research Center.

(1993) Pavel, M. Image Fusion. Augmented Visual Display (AVID) Research Workshop, NASA Conference Publication 10128, NASA Ames Research Center.

(1992) Larimer, J., Pavel, M., Ahumada, A., & Sweet, B. Engineering a visual system for seeing through fog. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, Seattle, WA USA.

(1992) Pavel, M., Cunningham, H., & Stone, V. Extrapolation of linear motion. Vision Research, 32(11), 2177-2186.

(1992) Pavel, M., Larimer, J., & Ahumada, A. Sensor fusion for synthetic vision. Proceedings of the Society for Information Display.

(1991) Cunningham, H., & Pavel, M. Target Axis effectus under transformed visual/motor mapping. In S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser & A. C. Grunwalk (Eds.), Pictoral Communication in Vitual and Real Environments (pp. 283-294). New York: Taylor and Francis.

(1991) Pavel, M., Larimer, J., & Ahumada, A. Sensor fusion for synthetic vision. American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, Computing in Aerospace, Washington, DC.

(1991) Shiffrar, M., & Pavel, M. Perception of rotation through apertures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17, 749-761.

(1990) Farrell, J. E., Pavel, M., & Sperling, G. The visible persistence of stimuli in stroboscopic motion. Vision Research, 30, 921-936.

(1990) Pavel, M. Learning from learned networks, Commentary on Hanson, S.J. and Burr, D.J. What connectionist models learn: Learning and representation in connectionist networks. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13.

(1990) Pavel, M. Predictive control of eye movement. In E. Kowler (Ed.), Eye Movements and Their Role in Visual and Cognitive Processes (pp. 71-114). Amsterdam: Elsvier.

1980 – 1989

(1989) Pavel, M., Gluck, M. A., & Henkle, V. Constraints on adaptive networks for modeling human generalization. In D. S. Touretzky (Ed.), Advances in Neural Network Information Processing Systems (pp. 2-10). Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

(1988) Pavel, M., Gluck, M. A., & Henkle, V. Generalization by  humans  and multi-layer adaptive networks. Proceedings of Tenth Cognitive Society Meeting, Montreal, CA.

(1988) Pavel, M., Jimison, H. B., & Moore, R. T. Constraints on generalizations by adaptive networks. Proceedings of the INNS, Boston.

(1987) Cunningham, H., & Pavel, M. Direction of movement effects under transformed visual/motor mapping. Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments, 415-422, NASA Ames Research Center.

(1987) Desmarais, M. C., & Pavel, M. Users’ knowledge evaluation: An experiment with UNIX. Proceedings of INTERACT’87, Stutgart, Germany.

(1987) Pavel, M., Sperling, G., Riedl, T., & Vanderbeek, A. The limits of intelligibility: The effects of signal-to-noise ratio on the intelligibility of American Sign Language. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 4(12), 2355-2366.

(1986) Sperling, G., Landy, M., Cohen, Y., & Pavel, M. Intelligible encoding of ASL image sequences at extremely low information rates. In A. Rosenfeld (Ed.), Human and Machine Vision II (pp. 215-245). New York: Academic Press.

(1985) Cohen, Y., Landy, M. S., & Pavel, M. Hierarchical coding of primary images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 7(3), 284-297.

(1985) Sperling, G., Landy, M., Cohen, Y., & Pavel, M. Intelligible encoding of ASL image sequences at extremely low information rates. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 31, 335-391.

(1984) Card, S. K., Pavel, M., & Farrell, J. E. Window-based computer dialogues. Proceedings of INTERACT84, London.

(1984) Kowler, E., Martins, A. J., & Pavel, M. The effect of expectations on slow oculomotor control–IV. Anticipatory smooth eye movements depend on prior target motions. Vision Research, 24(3), 197-210.

(1983) Falmagne, J. C., Markovici, S., Pavel, M., & Chubb, C. A short introduction to ARIS: An automated, real-time instructional system. Computers in Mathematical Sciences and Education, 2(3), 10-11.

(1983) Pavel, M., Markovici, S., Sherman, A., & Falmagne, J. C. ARIS – A computer assisted instruction system. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 15(2), 10-14.

(1983) Sperling, G., Pavel, M., Cohen, Y., Landy, M., & Schwartz, B. Image processing in perception and cognition. In O. J. Braddick & A. C. Sleigh (Eds.), Physical and biological processing of images, Rank Prize Funds International Symposium at the Royal Society of London, England (pp. 359-378). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

(1982) Aaronson, D., & Pavel, M. Joint DEC/Micro Users’ Meeting. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 14, 132-134.

(1982) Pavel, M. Introduction to Unix. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 14(2), 266.

(1981) Iverson, G., & Pavel, M. On the functional form of partial masking functions in psychoacoustics. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 24(1), 1-20.

(1981) Pavel, M. Results of a preliminary survey of computer users in psychological laboratories. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 13(2), 272-275.

(1981) Pavel, M., & Iverson, G. Invariant characteristics of partial masking: Implications for mathematical models. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 69(4), 1126-1131.

(1980) Iverson, G., & Pavel, M. Invariant properties of masking phenomena in psychoacoustics and their theoretical consequences. SIAM-AMS, 13, 17-24.


(1978) Pavel, M. What is a microprocessor? Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 10, 238-249.

(1978) Tauber, E., & Pavel, M. Analysis of snoring patterns of obstructive apnea. Proceedings of the 18th Meeting APSS.

(1976) Penner, M. J., & Pavel, M. Forward and backward masking in the presence of a continuous noise floor. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 60, 269-270.

[Jimison | Pavel]