2016-2017 Year in Review

The Health Behavior Informatics Lab members have been busy this past year! Below, we’ve summarized some of our recent achievements.

August 2017 – Maciej Kos, 3rd year Personal Health Informatics PhD student, was awarded a Computational & Data Science Fellowship from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC). Maciej’s award was featured in the NU CCIS newsletter. Congratulations, Maciej!

July 2017 – The HBI Lab presented Can Accelerometry Data Improve Estimates of Heart Rate Variability from Wrist PPG Sensors? at the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society held in Jeju Island, South Korea. This presentation shared the results of a pilot study performed in the fall of 2016 that lead to the development a novel model-based approach to data cleaning and analysis to improve coherence between PPG collected on the wrist and gold standard electrocardiogram (ECG) data.

May 2017 – The HBI Lab opened NUHome, a fully functional one bedroom apartment intended to support the study of human behavior in the home environment through the use of sensors and mobile technologies. Specifically, the lab’s primary uses are for usability testing, quality assurance, and training for health professionals. NU Home is a resource for the greater interdisciplinary research community within and beyond Northeastern University.

March 2017 – The HBI Lab was awarded a contract with Antioxidant Home Monitoring, LLC to evaluation their proprietary at-home oxidative stress test.

The HBI Lab launch NUCoach, a modular health coaching and research platform built by the Health Behavior Informatics Lab at Northeastern University. Supported by DeepHealth Lab technologies, NUCoach is a powerful yet flexible tool that allows health behavior researchers to gather immense amounts of participant data in real world contexts in near real time. Through sensor integrations and experience sampling, we can not only learn more about our participants’ behaviors but be better prepared to intervene in the right context at the right time. NUCoach is exclusively available for use by members of the Consortium on Technology for Proactive Care.

September 2016 – Brandon Ransom, 1st year Personal Health Informatics PhD student, was awarded a four-year fellowship in the first cohort of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholars. According to RWJF, this program, “is a leadership development opportunity for first- and second-year full-time doctoral students from underrepresented populations and/or disadvantaged backgrounds—students whose ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, and other factors allow them to bring unique and diverse perspectives to their research. They want to apply their research to advance health and equity, and their innovation helps build a Culture of Health, one that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives.” Learn more about the program here. Congratulations, Brandon!

Thanks for catching up on our recent achievements!